The Full Story
Biography -
Wendy Stafford Glass Artist
Art in some form has always been in my life, the encouragement of my parents at an early age to paint and draw, spending time with my artistic Grandmother and having a brilliant Art Teacher all contributed to the artist I am today.
In 1977 I trained as a Photographer, but life dictated that I would have an eclectic career that wouldn’t involve photography. Becoming first a pub landlady, which taught me a variety of skills, from basic accounting, stock control, catering, and even counselling. I then working for the National Waterways Museum in various department – I even learnt to steer the boat! However, becoming a Systems Trainer in 1989 meant that my skills were transferable, and I worked with both the NHS and then Private Health care.
The turning point came, when in 2012 I was made redundant and with the support of my family made the step into self-employment. The Art Pad was born.
The love of glass, which has now become my business, came through moving into our thatched cottage. The Grade ll listed cottage has leaded windows, so the natural course was to learn about stained glass. This led to investigating other forms of glass making and after acquiring a kiln (big oven) the art and passion for creating fused glass was sparked.
Having only ever received a weekend course on how to do stained and fused glass, my knowledge is virtually self-taught. Driven by passion, support of my family and loved ones my business is growing, and my passion has not receded.
Artist Statement
I want my art to inspire people to look more carefully at the world around them and to discover the beautiful world around them in whatever form.
I don’t attempt to make exact replications of plants and wildlife, but I do want my creations to have felt they have belonged somewhere.
Being around beautiful objects that pay tribute to natural world helps us to reconnect and slow down, especially in the world we live in now.